Parent Resources
Our doors open for students at 8:30 a.m.
Class begins for all students at 9:00am and the last class concludes at 3:00pm.
Period 1: 9:00-9:55
Period 2: 10:00-10:50
Period 3: 10:55-11:45
Lunch: 11:45-12:15
Period 4: 12:20-1:10
Period 5: 1:15-2:05
Period 6: 2:10-3:00
Student Dismissal Process
Parents must notify Main Office that student is being dismissed and Student must sign out with the Main Office before leaving school.
Students attending HACTC will catch their bus at either 8:30 or 11:15, depending on the session they are attending.
Emergency Response Plan
Fire, earthquake, evacuation, and lock-down drills are conducted on a regular basis. This ensures students and staff are familiar with procedures for each circumstance or evacuation, if necessary. The emergency contact information on file with LCS will be used to inform families that their child needs to be picked up. Please make sure we are kept updated if any of this information changes.
​Disaster / Emergency Pick-Up Location:
Lower parking lot
39 Hanover Street
Lebanon, NH 03766
We hope that we are not faced with any kind of emergency situation. Nonetheless, we have plans in place to keep our students and staff as safe as possible.
Ledyard Charter School uses TeacherEase, a software platform we use for grading and parent communication. Download for Apple or Android. Students have been provided with their own login information which you may use as well. Nonetheless, please feel free to contact LCS Administration for additional information.