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Section J: Students

Documents will be available soon

JB: Equal Educational Opportunities
JBAA (policy, exhibit): Sexual Harassment - Students
JC: School Attendance Areas
JC-A: Assignment of Students to Schools within the District
JC-B: Assignment of Students to School Secondary Education
JCA: Change of School Assignment Policy Under RSA 193:3, III
JEA: Compulsory Attendance Ages
JEB: Entrance Age
JF: Enrollment
JFAA: Establish Residence and Admission of Students
JFAB: Admission of Nonresident Students
JFABA: Tuition Liability Regular Education Grades 9-12
JFABB: Admission of Exchange Students
JFABD-JLG: Admission of Homeless Students
JG: Assignment of Students to Classes and Grade Levels
JH: Attendance, Tardiness and Truancy Policy
JHBA: Attendance Officer
JHC: Student Dismissal Precautions
JI: Student Rights and Responsibilities
JIB: Student Complaints and Grievances
JIC: Student Conduct
JIC-R  Student Code of Conduct
JIC-RR: Off-Campus Overnight School Activity - Discipline Regulations
JICA: Student Dress
JICC: Student Conduct on School Buses
JICD: Student Conduct, Discipline and Due Process Safe School Zone
JICE: Student Publications
JICFA: Hazing
JICG/KFA/GBED: Tobacco Products Ban: Use and Possession in and on School Facilities and Grounds
JICH: Alcohol Use/Drug Abuse by Student
JICI: Weapons on School Property
JICK: Pupil Safety and Violence Prevention - Bullying (Summary)
JICL: Acceptable Use - Student
JIH: Searches of Students and Their Property
JJ: Student Activities - School Related Ski Programs
JJA: Student Organizations/Activities
JJF: Student Activities Fund Management
JJF-R: Administering Student Activity Funds
JJIB: Middle School Athletics
JKA: Corporal Punishment
JKAA: Use of Restraints, Seclusion, and Intentional Physical Contact
JLA: Student Insurance Program
JLC: Student Health Service
JLCA: Physical Examinations of Students
JLCB: Immunizations of Students
JLCC: Communicable Diseases
JLCCB: Student Allergies
JLCCB-R: Administrative Procedures for Students with Allergies
JLCD: Administrating Medication to Students
JLCD-R: Procedures for Administrating Medication to Students
JLCE/EBBC: First Aid and Emergency Medical Care
JLCEA/KFD: Use of Automated External Defibrillators
JLCF: Wellness
JLCJ: Concussions and Head Injuries
JLCJA: Sports Injury Emergency Action Plan
JLCK: Special Physical Health Needs of Students
JLD: School Guidance and Counseling Program
JLDBA: Behavior Management and Intervention
JLDBB: Suicide Prevention and Response
JLF: Reporting Child Abuse or Neglect
JLF-R: Procedures Regarding Identification and Referral of Child Abuse or Neglect
JLI: Safety Program
JLIA: Supervision of Students
JLID: Student Bicycle Use
JLIE: Student Automobile Use
JM: Student Awards and Scholarships
JP-R: Student Athlete Regulations
JQ: Student Fees, Fines, and Charges
JRA/KBA: Student Records and Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) Policy
JRD: Student Photographs


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